Centralized Data Repository

One place for a reliable single source of truth.

Just the way it should be.

A single source of truth for more confident ops decisions.

Know how to drive your ops. With confidence.

Multiple sales channels and fulfillment options means complexity. Systems don't talk to one another. Product, inventory and order information comes rushing at you in different formats, configurations and nomenclatures. That means lots of manual data manipulation and chances for errors.  

Having a central data repository for your D2C operations is essential to knowing how to drive efficiency, grow revenue and increase margins.

Create a single source of truth.

Our D2C Ops Control Tower integrates across your entire sales and supply chain ecosystem, aggregating and normalizing data from across your operations to create a single source of truth to manage ecommerce operations and drive strategy. No more siloed sales, supply and product data. Everything is on a single platform, in a common format, so you can stop trying to untangle your data and put your attention on more important things.

Get faster, more accurate D2C ops insight.

The D2C Ops Control tower aggregates and normalizes data across your sales channels, supply chain and management systems to give you unmatched insight into your ecommerce operations. Review order, sales, cost and profit data by channel, item, SKU, fulfillment method or supplier. Explore data with drill-down accuracy. Use our pre-built dashboards or create your own with drag-and-drop simplicity. Or export anything you want to Tableau or other enterprise analysis tools. So easy.

Drive your business with reliable KPIs.

Create reliable and quantifiable ecommerce metrics for your business operations and with your trading and fulfillment partners. With all your D2C ops now fully integrated and now a reliable source of truth, you can set meaningful KPIs and goals to drive even greater levels of performance for your entire D2C operations.

Integrated single source of truth.

Data from all your internal and external operations systems are integrated and normalized into one centralized data repository.

Real-time operations visibility.

View the real-time status of your entire D2C operations, including your channel and fulfillment partners.

Advanced analytic tools.

Go deep with drill-down data and reporting on SKUs, sales channels, velocity, demand and fulfillment.

More of what having a centralized data repository can do for you:

Gain real-time reporting.

Review order, sales, cost and profit data by channel, item, SKU, fulfillment location or inventory supplier. All in real-time.

Easily export to third-party analysis tools.

Export your operational data to Excel, Tableau or other tools for additional analysis or reporting.

Manage at the SKU and listing level.

Avoid duplication and errors by controlling inventory at the SKU level and product information at the listing level. Ensure a single point of truth for all product information.

Reduce human error.

Because order information and fulfillment processes are integrated with purchasing, inventory, shipping and tracking systems, there’s no manual data entry or opportunities for human error.

Gain business insights.

Gain a deeper understanding of your ecommerce business with advanced analytics tools and dashboards. Evaluate demand, ROI, turns by channel and location, and much more.

Design your own dashboards and reports.

Quickly and easily design the dashboards and reports you want to fit any need.

Integrate with other systems of records.

Automatically feed, export or integrate operational or financial data to reporting tools, data lakes and warehouses, or other systems.

Discover how Etail Solutions can help you scale and grow your ecommerce. Find out if our platform is right for you.

Talk to us today.