Live Briefing
How to make the IT business case for scaling ecomm.
Street-smart pro tips from an ecomm IT veteran.
Featured Guest

Jeff Cowan
EVP of Technology & Information at accelerate360

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST
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What's the ROI?
You can't make any change that requires substantial investment without answering that question. And that's especially true when it comes to scaling your ecommerce operations, where so many dependencies are in play.
That's why we've invited Jeff Cowan, EVP of Technology and Information at accelerate360 to join us for our next Live Briefing. Jeff has led the business case development for a number of massive ecommerce projects, and you'll hear first-hand what he learned from them.
accelerate360 is an omni-commerce sales, distribution and logistics, marketing and media company with over 3MM sq ft of warehouse space across 10 fulfillment centers delivering General Merchandise, Health, Beauty, and Wellness products to over 56,000 retail locations weekly.
Bring your questions and join us for a lively and engaging Live Briefing and Q&A.
We’re planning to pack a lot of good information into this one-hour Live Briefing:

How to know when you have a scaling problem.

How to discern the highest impact change areas.

How to determine reasonable scope of effort.

The most common questions and issues that may arise in making your business case.

And more...
Live Briefing
How to make the IT business case for scaling ecomm.
Street-smart pro tips from an ecomm IT veteran.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
1:00 PM EST/12:00 PM CST
Duration: 1 hour
Can’t attend? Sign up and we’ll send you the recorded version after the webinar date.